Finalists Finalistas Finalistes
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(Finalistas en Orden Alfabético) MEJOR COREOGRAFIA IBEROAMERICANA PARA PRINCIPIANTES Almost Almost de Montserrat Soler (ES) Drinkin Alabama de Guadalupe Niella Morillo (AR) Famous Hotel de Mariela Barcia & Sergio Alejandro (AR) Heads or tails de Pol F Ryan (ES) So Far so Good de Kati Torrella (ES)
MEJOR COREOGRAFIA COUNTRY IBEROAMERICANA 3 Flicks de Pol F Ryan (ES), David Prestor (SI) & David Villellas(ES) Little Sister de Montse López & Agus Zapata (ES) My last night de Edu Roldós (ES) That Song de Montse Moscardo & Joaquim Aymerich (ES) Wonder de Pol F Ryan (ES) & Laura Jones (BE) MEJOR COREOGRAFIA LINE DANCE IBEROAMERICANA Betty Lou Jive de Javier Rodriguez Gallego (ES) Chicane de Fabian Müller (CH) & Pol Perry (ES) Girl Smile de Chatti the Valley (ES) I Will Survive de Rosa Torrent (ES) My jukebox de Marita Torres (ES)
MEJOR COREOGRAFIA “GRAN CLASICO” 24 by 24 de Edu Roldós, Lidia Calderero (ES) Our Cotton Fields de Guadalupe Niella Morillo (AR) Catané de Gabi Ibáñez i Paqui Monroy (ES) Amor Eterno en México de Rubén García y Denisse Delgado (MX) Happy, Happy, Happy de Angeles Mateu (ES)
MEJOR INSTRUCTOR IBEROAMERICANO Guadalupe Niella Morillo (AR) Jaime Macías (MX) Kati Torrella (ES) Rocio Flores "Espuelita Dorada" (MX) Rubén García (MX)
MEJOR CLUB IBEROAMERICANO Alabama Line Dance (AR) El Nido del Jabali Country & Western (MX) Renegade Music & Dance (ES) Sweet Country Boots (ES) Tennessee Golden Girls (MX)
ARTISTA EMERGENTE IBEROAMERICANO DE AMERICANA MUSIC Bruno Nesci (AR) Jeb Andrews Foundation Band (ES) Joe Fields (ES) La Blue's Ayres Band (AR) The Barroom Buddies Band (ES)
| (Finalists in alphabetical Order)
BEST WORLDWIDE BEGINNERS CHOREOGRAPHY Country Nights by Gary O’Reilly (IE) & Maggie Gallagher (UK) Different Man by Guillaume Richard (FR) Heaven's Jukebox by José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Willie Brown (UK) Lucky Lips by Gary Lafferty (UK) Southern Soul Bounce by Roy Verdonk (NL) & Ira Weisburd (US) We're Good to Go by Rob Fowler (UK) BEST WORLDWIDE COUNTRY LINE DANCE 3 Tequila Floor by Maddison Glover (AU) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (US) Crystal Cha by Madison Glover & Simon Ward (AU) Drinkaby by Rachael McEnaney (US) Mama & Me by Gary O'Reilly (IE) Sounds Like Something Id Do by Adia Nuno (US) & Satu Ketallaper (NL) Them Boots by Anna Szymanski & Jo Thompson Szymanski (US) Til the Neons Gone by Darren Bailey (UK)
BEST WORLDWIDE LINE DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY (to non country music) Devil in a Dress by Niels Poulsen (DK) Everyone Needs a Hero by Roy Verdonk (NL), Grace David (KR) & Jef Camps (BE) Green Green Grass by Karl-Harry Winson (UK) Hypnosis by Anthony Maxence (FR) I Get Goosebumps by Jake "Noodle" Garcia (US) Storm and Stone by Maddison Glover (AU) The Sphinx by Simon Ward (AU), Roy Hadisubroto (NL), Fiona Murray (IE) & Rebecca Lee (MY)
BEST WORLDWIDE “GREAT CLASSIC” CHOREOGRAPHY Champagne Promise by Tina Argyle (UK) Girl Crush by Alison Johnstone (AU), & Rachael McEnaney (US) Have fun go mad by Scott Blevins (US) Island In The Stream by Karen Jones (UK) Toes by Rachael McEnaney-White (US)
BEST WORLWIDE INSTRUCTOR Alison Johnstone (AU) Anna Taroni (IT) Gary O'Reilly (IE) Hayley Wheatley (UK) Jo Thompson Szymanski (US) Karl-Harry Winson (UK) Séverine Fillion (FR)
BEST WORLWIDE CLUB Boogie Shoes (Jamie Barnfield) (UK) Colin´s Country Club (BE) Line dance Academy (FR) Renegade Music & Dance (ES) Silver Boots Line Dancers (MT) Wild country Dancers (HR)
WORLDWIDE AMERICANA MUSIC RISING ARTIST Cory Marks (CA) Music Road Pilots (NL) Ned Ledoux (US) The Barroom Buddies Band (ES) The Heartland Roots Band (UK) Walker Hayes (US) Whey Jennings (US)